Gays ‘Advocating’ To ‘Forbid Marriage Between A Male And A Female’ Says Joyner

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Rick Joyner, a Christian Minister and head of a huge megachurch operation, says that some gay activists are “advocating” to “forbid marriage between a male and a female.” Joyner, who founded MorningStar Ministries in 1985, was speaking with Michael Brown about Brown’s new book, A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been, when he made the ludicrous accusation.

Which then became even more ludicrous.

“I was in Switzerland this past summer and speaking at a conference I kept hearing people say, ‘my partner,’ instead of their wife or husband,” Joyner tells Brown.

“One guy actually said, ‘And my wife,’ — it was like it shocked him — ‘No, I mean, my partner.’ I took him aside afterwards and asked him, ‘Why are you so afraid to say husband or wife here?'”

“He said, ‘It’s hate speech. We can go to jail for that’,” Joyner said, adding, “It’s happening in America.”

Well, what does the Bible say about bearing false witness?

I called the Swiss Consulate General in New York City.

They told me it’s not considered hate speech to use the term husband or wife in Switzerland.

Joyner, by the way, is also the head of MorningStar Publications, MorningStar Conferences, The MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries (MFM), The MorningStar Fellowship of Churches (MFC), MorningStar University (MSU), Comenius School for Creative Leadership (CSCL), EagleStar Productions, and Heritage International Ministries (H.I.M.).

Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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