Gay Tea Party Leader Bashes Gay Liberals, Offers Support To Bachmann

Gay conservative Tea Party group GOProud chairman Chris Baron appeared on CNN today and immediately started to bash gay liberals, stating, “far too many on the gay left in this country simply want to demonize everyone who disagrees with us.” Which of course, means that the gay left wants to demonize itself? Because Baron identifies as a Republican, not a gay guy. Baron’s comments are as intelligent as his politics. And it’s really getting old.

READ: GOProud On NPR Again Attacks “The Gay Left” As “The Most Intolerant”

Sadly, Ali Velshi, the CNN anchor, just agrees, saying, “Right.” Right…

“Our number one goal between now and 2012 is defeating Barack Obama,” Baron states, admitting that he could care less who the Republican candidate is, what their policies are, what their politics or stances on any issue, is, as long as they’re a Republican. Odd, since just moments ago, Baron wrote, via Twitter, “liberal gays arent allowed to do any independent thinking…” Whatever.

Velshi plays a clip of Bachmann stating she would support a constitutional ban on marriage equality. It’s important to remember that Baron married Shawn Gardner in Washington, D.C., so he could care less about anyone else being allowed that right, as he says that marriage equality isn’t an issue for GOProud.

And amazingly, Baron refused to state if he would ask Bachmann about her ex-gay reparative therapy practices at Bachmann and Associates. Velshi was duly surprised.

Pretty sure the way Baron talked to Velshi, he won’t be asked back any time soon.


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