Gay-Straight Clubs Created So “Misfits” Will Adopt “Gay Identity” Says Lively

So-called “ex-gay” activist Scott Lively recently told a church audience that school gay-straight alliances (GSAs) are designed so “misfits” that “have a bunch of acne” or are “socially awkward” will “start adopting a gay identity.” Lively is one of the most-offensive practitioners of anti-gay hatred. For those who are unaware of his background, here’s his bio via Wikipedia:

Scott Douglas Lively is an American author, attorney and activist, noted for his opposition to LGBT rights and his involvement in the ex-gay movement. Lively is the president of Abiding Truth Ministries, a conservative Christian organization located in Temecula, California. Abiding Truth Ministries is classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Lively has called for the criminalization of “the public advocacy of homosexuality” as far back as 2007. He is also directly linked to pending anti-gay legislation in Uganda, which would, if passed, make homosexual conduct punishable by a lengthy prison sentence or death.

Along with Kevin E. Abrams, he co-authored the book The Pink Swastika, which states in the preface that “homosexuals [are] the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities.” Several academic historians have questioned the book’s claims and selective use of research.

Lively is the former state director for the California branch of the American Family Association and formed Watchmen on the Walls based in Riga, Latvia.

According to a January 2011 profile, Lively “has not changed his view that gays are ‘agents of America’s moral decline’ but has refocused his approach to fit his flock in Springfield, Massachusetts” and “is toning down his antigay rhetoric and shifting his focus to helping the downtrodden.”

The comments in the video below, courtesy of Kyle Mantyla at Right Wing Watch, are part of Lively’s 90-minute speech, “The Global Threat of Homosexuality,” which is described as discussing “the homosexual political movement” which “has transformed itself from an underground subculture shunned for its practice of illegal sexual deviance into a global cultural and political force with greater influence in the legislatures and courtrooms of the western world than the Christian church.”

Here is the transcript of Scott Lively’s comments in the video, below:

They changed the name from the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Teachers Network to the The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network because the “Teachers Network” gave it away too much, it was too obvious that this was a bunch of activists in the schools. So they changed it to “Education Network” to obscure that just before they started launching what a now called Gay-Straight Alliance Clubs in high schools. And there are over a thousand of them – actually, there were over a thousand of them five years ago, God knows how many there are now.

These are activist clubs in the public schools in which these teenagers … many of these kids, when you see the kids that get wrapped up in this, they’re the misfits, for the most part, they’re the kids that don’t have friends in other places, they’re chubby or they have a bunch of acne or they’re socially awkward and then the Gay-Straight Alliance Club reaches out to these kids and brings them in and then they start adopting a gay identity.

And then they will take these kids out, wherever there’s these clubs in the schools there’s almost always homosexual community centers, gay and lesbian community centers – usually taxpayer-funded these days – where they will go after school or in the evenings and that’s where they meet up with adult homosexuals. And you find often the relationships between these kids are with much older people and that this is a system for recruiting kids into homosexuality.

And it’s all over our country and almost nobody knows anything about it because everybody’s afraid to talk about it. 

No one’s “afraid to talk about it,” it’s just that no one is, because it’s not true.

Lively has blood on his hands for his active involvement in Uganda. Why Americans — especially American parents — are allowing him to continue to spew his lies and hate is beyond comprehension.

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