Gay Rights: Mitt Romney’s Flip Flops Highlighted By Obama’s Axelrod

David Axelrod, President Obama’s top political advisor, says about Mitt Romney, “time and time and time again he shifts – and you get the feeling that there is no principle too large for him to throw over in pursuit of political office.”

Romney is considered by many to be the front-runner for the GOP nomination for president.

Axelrod spoke with ABC News’ Christiane Amanpour yesterday about the former Massachusetts Governor, adding, “Then he was a pro choice, pro gay rights, pro environmental candidate for office. Then he decided to run for president. Did a 180 on all of that.”

“There was a poll out this week that showed [Romney] at the same 23 percent he’s been throughout the race. Now Herman Cain is leading the primary. The last poll Rick Perry was leading it. Earlier Michele Bachmann was doing very well. But Romney stays the same.”


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