Gay Republican Groups Battle Over Ann Coulter Anti-Gay Comments

Ann Coulter, a lightening rod desperate for a thunder storm of attention, Wednesday night told cable news host Joy Behar that she is sick of gays and that she thinks ex-gay therapy works. The gay conservative Republican group, Log Cabin Republicans, issued a statement calling out the radical right-wing columnist, saying her comments were clownish, stale, and a throwback.

Then, moments later, the Co-Founder & Executive Director of GOProud, the gay Tea Party Republican group, posted a statement on Twitter, summing up the nascent group’s entire agenda: “It looks like @LogCabinGOP learned what the rest of the left has known for a long time – fight with @AnnCoulter = get publicity.”

So, Log Cabin Republicans attack the federal government by way of a lawsuit that essentially forces Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell out of existence, and GOProud attacks Log Cabin Republicans, suggesting they on the left, and are looking for attention?

Pretty sure Log Cabin Republican statement about Ann Coulter can be re-issued with just a change of the name, from Ann Coulter to GOProud.

Last week, LaSalvia (stupidly) said of hate crimes, “there’s clearly not been an end to them since we passed the federal hate crimes laws,” whereas his co-founder, Chris Barron said, “far too many on the gay left in this country simply want to demonize everyone who disagrees with us,” which made no sense,
but added, “Our number one goal between now and 2012 is defeating Barack Obama,” which makes no sense either.

Oh, and GOProud has suggested they will support the supremely homophobic Michele Bachmann i her Republican presidential bid, which makes no sense either.

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