Gay Or Unmarried Parents Are Liars And Child Abusers Suggests Senator

Are women who get pregnant out of wedlock liars? Are parents raising children in homes without a married mom and dad child abusers? The Wisconsin state lawmaker who is pushing a bill that labels as “child abuse” homes that are headed by single or unmarried parents has now added another attack on these parents: liars. Republican Senator Glenn Grothman says that single mothers are “trained” to lie about unintended pregnancies, claiming that most “unintended pregnancies” are totally intended, and that our “culture” glamorizes single parenthood. Grothman’s bill would classify “non marital parenthood” as a cause of child abuse, and given current laws in Wisconsin, automatically would include single and coupled gays and lesbians — plus any single person regardless of orientation — raising children.

“Grothman told Colmes that the country’s out-of-wedlock birth rate is the ‘choice of the women,’ who should be ‘educated that this is a mistake,’ notes Miranda Blue of Right Wing Watch. “When Colmes countered with statistics about the high number of pregnancies that are unintended, Grothman said that many women are “trained” to lie and say that they’re pregnancies are unintended.”

In the below audio, Colmes suggests that Grothman’s concerns about the level of out of wedlock births is a good argument for both control, which Grothman of course immediately rejects.

This is the Republican, conservative, and religious zealots’ goal: No birth control, all women and men — regardless of orientation — married, and since there’s no legal birth control or abortion, women will be pregnant and raising children until they die. This is not just about the Bible. The other reason they are advocating this extremism? Demographic winter.

Here’s the transcript and audio, thanks to Right Wing Watch:


Grothman: There’s been a huge change over the last 30 years and a lot of that change has been the choice of the women. There’s a reason why in the 50s and the 60s you had less than ten percent of the births illegitimate, and now we’re over 40 percent. It’s not that there weren’t abusive men in the 40s or there was a problem with child support. It is the popular culture, led by the social service professions, who are saying…

Colmes: Well tell me what you would change.

Grothman: I think the first thing we do is that we should educate women that this is a mistake.

Colmes: You think women need to be educated, are they not smart enough on their own?

Grothman: They do have to be educated, because right now the culture encourages a single motherhood lifestyle.

Colmes: You think women choose to be single moms…

Grothman: Oh absolutely

Colmes: You think women want to have homes without fathers? You think women look to the opportunity to have to raise kids and not be able to get work because they have to stay home and take care of the kids. Women want to do this?

Grothman: I think a lot of women are adopting the single motherhood lifestyle because the government creates a situation in which it is almost preferred.


Colmes: According to data published in USA Today, at least four in ten pregnancies in every state are unwanted or mistimed. According to the analysis that was released last May, more than half of pregnancies in 29 states and the District of Columbia were unintended, 38 to 50 percent were unintended in the remaining states. This mitigates against the argument that women are purposefully wanting to have kids. Their unintended for the most part. They’re unintended pregnancies, which is the argument for health care services and birth control for women.

Grothman: I think you undersell these women.

Colmes: Undersell them?

Grothman: Undersell them. I think when you have an epidemic of this great proportion, people are not so dumb that it’s surprising when they get pregnant. I think people are trained to say that ‘this is a surprise to me,’ because there’s still enough of a stigma that they’re supposed to say this.


Watch the latest video at <a href=”http://video.foxnews.com”>video.foxnews.com</a>Grothman has a long history of radical positions.

Although Grothman has said, ”Everybody knows you’re not supposed to smoke!” he voted against a law banning smoking in bars and restaurants, but supported a bill allowing smoking in hotel rooms. And Grothman called a proposed Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, “an insult to all the other taxpayers around the state,” and opposed any possibility of a Kwanzaa holiday, stating Americans should “treat Kwanzaa with the contempt it deserves before it becomes a permanent part of our culture.”

Grothman has also “advocated the hiring of more business-friendly individuals to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,” according to Wikipedia.


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