Gay Marriage Weekend! The Internet Responds To Iowa & Vermont

There are so many good blogs and good writers that don’t get enough exposure. Thought I’d share a small sampling of excerpts from blogs I’ve read over the past few days. Enjoy!


via khudirambose/ @ranggrol


A few are loudly (at least from what I heard at the IHOP) saying that they support civil unions, but using novel arguments against marriage equality. At least these aren’t biblical, this time. Looks folks, you put your hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution, you don’t put your hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible. Here are two new ones.

  • “If I’m outside Vermont, and I tell someone I’m married, they might ask me ‘To a man or a woman’? That violates my civil rights.” OK, this made me drop a fork full of my Rooty-Tooty-Fresh-and-Frooty. I can’t even begin to parse this argument. Someone assuming— despite your criminal dress-sense—that you’re gay (or straight) is discriminating against you how? Look. What if this person assumes you’re a Republican. How is that mistake discrimination?
  • “Making me explain to my child why to women are married is the State telling me how to raise my child! It is unconstitutional!” (1) The State isn’t telling you anything, and (2) No, it isn’t unconstitutional. Just because you’re a shitty parent is no reason I can’t get married.

via The Enormous Night,  @sarrants

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