Gay Marriage: One Of The Most Important Discussions You Can See Right Now

This morning, Governor Chris Christie was grilled on his same-sex marriage positions and his veto of a same-sex marriage bill that the New Jersey legislature passed last week. MSNBC contributor and Washington Post op-ed writer Jonathan Capehart had the courage to step into the ring — unscheduled — and debate Christie on marriage equality and the African-American civil rights movement. MSNBC host of “Morning Joe,” Joe Scarborough, performed a ridiculous act (and was quickly called out on it,) asking to compare the killing of black babies in Southern churches to the fight for marriage equality. Truly offensive.

Chris Christie (a married man who earlier in the segment hit on MSNBC co-host Mika Brzezinski,) in his appearance today claimed his position on marriage equality is exactly the same as President Obama’s, a claim that anti-equality advocates love to parrot. Capehart, who is fast becoming one of the most intelligent and powerful voices for equality, took him on — and down.

Scarborough also says to Christie that Obama and the New Jersey Governor have the exact same positions on marriage, “but you’re called a bigot for taking that position, and the president’s called ‘enlightened’.”

Um, wrong, Mr. Scarborough. And Capehart explains why.

Christie actually had the gall to say, on marriage equality, “my feet are planted right next to President Obama’s.” Not even close. For Christie to claim there’s no difference between his positions and Obama’s is ludicrous.

But Christie’s comments serve a worthy purpose — and that is to get folks riled up again.

DOMA was again yesterday declared unconstitutional. Anti-gay marriage and anti-gay military service laws have been declared time and time and time again unconstitutional by the federal courts. There truly is no more “debate” to be had, because the courts have ruled in our favor, as have the majority of Americans, also time and time and time again.

And kudos to John Heilemann, whose comments are much appreciated.

But I implore you to watch this entire video from beginning to end, because there are so many important issues discussed, and it’s important for everyone to know not only how to respond to our detractors, but it’s time to get Obama to finally evolve. I wish the President, David Axelrod, and his other top advisors would watch this segment.

Yes, I believe Obama will ultimately come out in support of same-sex marriage. His toying with the issue is getting old. The “evolving” comment is getting old. It’s actually 14 months old. How long does it take for one to “evolve”?

Chris Christie’s positions are, by the way, totally wrong, and Capehart was absolutely right in his response. (Christie’s attempt to bully Capehart was typical, and Capehart’s response was impressive.)

You do not let civil rights be voted upon. The founding fathers were clear in that. A fact the right conveniently forgets.



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Frankly, I wish I could do more on this critical piece, and I will as soon as I can, but I wanted to get it to you ASAP. Please share with your friends and family.

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