Gay Marriage “Dark Cloud” Makes Kids “Anxious, Stressed Out” Says Harvey

Linda Harvey, the head of Mission America, says same-sex marriage is a “dark cloud” hanging over children, making them “anxious, stressed out and feel they have nothing to believe in sometimes.” Harvey, who last year actually said there is no proof gay people exist, is opposing an Ohio constitutional amendment that would repeal that state’s ban on same-sex marriage equality.

Harvey last year also said ending the concept that people are gay would “make a serious dent” in ending HIV, demanded that gays be banned from teaching in schools, and, in honor of 9/11, said all gays “hate Jesus Christ and His followers.”

Mission America, coincidentally, today was “upgraded”  to hate group status by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

READ: Which 11 Anti-Gay Organizations Just Got Awarded “Hate Group” Status?

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch has the audio, and offers this transcript:

Well it’s official, there is now going to be an effort by organized homosexuals and their allies in Ohio to undermine our constitutional amendment on marriage. A group called Freedom to Marry Ohio is launching a referendum drive to get the signatures to put the issue of same-sex marriage on the ballot, possibly this November. This group has filed the first step with Attorney General Mike DeWine’s office with their proposed ballot language, if it makes the Ohio ballot, it would read that marriage is “a union of two consenting adults regardless of gender” and also that “no religious institution shall be required to perform or recognize a marriage.”


People of this state already have the right to marry, adults in Ohio have the freedom to marry someone of the opposite sex because that’s what marriage is. Marriage law is simply a legal confirmation of what we see in nature, that a male and a female fit together anatomically, that this is how children and families are creation, that children and new humans are valuable, not a problem, so this is really a pro-life issue at its heart.

The fact that a few people have deviant desires and want to overturn marriage law for everyone is not an issue of equality, it’s an issue of morality. It’s rebellion against nature, against civil order and against the beautiful design of God. We need to tell the people and this effort a resounding ‘No.’

The question is sometimes asked, how would same-sex marriage harm your marriage? There are several simple answers. One, it changes what is considered normal and legal throughout our culture and therefore what is taught and modeled to our children and grandchildren. Do we want little Morgan in second grade to learn that when she grows up she might marry a boy or might marry a girl and either one is perfectly fine and she won’t know until she’s older which she prefers, but that’s OK. Do you think Morgan will develop with a secure and stable idea about her identity as a girl and woman with this shaky and morally irrational guidance? No wonder our kids are anxious, stressed out and feel they have nothing to believe in sometimes, they are being told what they can see themselves is foolishness and being told to swallow these lies and stay quiet if you don’t agree.

This nonsense is already being taught in some schools and in those states where same-sex marriage is legal it has exploded. Many schools now routinely shut off all debate about homosexuality, there is only one viewpoint and it is pro-homosexual. The deception that results is a dark cloud hanging over our educational environment and our culture and it harms these precious, developing minds and hearts the most. I urge you friends to stand against same-sex marriage.

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