Gay Man To Be San Diego Mayor After Filner, Conservatives Warn Kids Will Become ‘Prey’

It’s just so hard to be an American conservative these days. This weekend’s 50th anniversary commemoration of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom really should be held for them, don’t you think? They’ve all had it so hard.

Consider this: a misogynistic (allegedly), sexual harasser (allegedly), Democratic mayor of a major city finally gets kicked out of office resigns and what do conservatives get? A Native Alaskan American, Filipino, Dutch and Puerto Rican gay man in his place.

Yes, the President of the San Diego City Council, Todd Gloria, is about to be the new mayor of San Diego, after Bob Filner’s resignation becomes effective August 30. (Congratulations!)

In 2009, Gloria was interviewed in a local paper. An excerpt:

Q: Most people probably would be surprised that you have no Mexican heritage.

A: And that’s always been a challenge for me with my last name, living here and looking like this, that people default to Latino. But the reality is my last name is from the Philippines, from the Spanish ruling there for so long – they left lots of things behind including last names, and that’s where mine comes from.

Q: Your heritage reflects the melting pot of City Heights, where you live.

A: It’s a classic San Diego story in the sense that all four of my grandparents came from different parts of the world because of the Navy and the military – so from Juneau, Alaska; Tulsa, Okla.; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Manila. My grandfathers were in the service. My paternal grandmother came here because her father was in the service. My maternal grandmother came here to work in the factories. And they just all stayed.

Q: What ethnic mix did you inherit as a result?

A: Basically half Native American (Tlight-Haida, an Alaskan tribe), a quarter Filipino and then a little bit of Dutch and Puerto Rican.

Q: You’re openly gay. How much does your sexuality affect your decisions?

A: Less than I think some people believe. We’ve obviously had a history of electing people from the LGBT community in this council district. But when you’re talking about potholes and stop signs and things of that nature, it doesn’t have an orientation to it. And largely what I find is there’s not a great deal of difference between what straight District 3 residents and LGBT District 3 residents are looking for. This is particularly true as same-sex couples are raising families.

So, naturally, conservatives are in full meltdown mode.

The good folks at No More Mister Nice Blog write:

But at Free Republic, the conclusion is that one sexual deviant has been replaced by another:


I feel sorry for the children in this city who will probably become prey soon enough.




From pervert to pervert.


Because perverted sexual behavior is so important to San Diego politics that they’ll elect a Sodomite.
They’re trading a creep for a freak. 


San Digaygo. Let’s play Musical Pervs.


You stay classy, San Diego.


When Princess Hillary or another lib woman becomes president, gay men will be labeled the ideal male. We will even have a cabinet full of them.


what makes ya think the cabinet ain’t full of them now? we’ve got more dykes in obama’s cabinet now than the netherlands.


‘Gay’ is such a forlorn misnomer. This is a life of utter misery with an isolated thrill or two in it.


so this is the reason for the stink

they wanted to get a fag into position

In answer to that last Freeper: Yeah, right — this whole scandal was ginned up just so San Diego could have a gay mayor. No one cared at all about multiple acts of sexual harassment. It was just a big gay plot by the big gay mafia.

For those unfamiliar with the website Free Republic, their readers — generally rabidly anti-gay, anti-women, anti-equality, anti-Obama, anti-choice, etc. — are called “Freepers.” The owner of the site, Jim Robinson, responded to my request last year to remove several articles Freepers posted in full, in violation of our copyright by writing, “I can assure you I do not want any of your material posted to our forum.”

Of course, then there’s this:

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