Gay GOP Lobby Group Plays “Obama Is Satan” Card

Right Wing Extremism Can Fly A Rainbow Flag, Too

GOProud, a lobbying group with surprisingly little financial disclosure information on their website, and which states it “represents gay conservatives and their allies,” released this video on the eve on the National Equality March and the annual HRC Dinner. President Obama spoke at the HRC Dinner.

Now, I am not proud of Obama’s accomplishments in the LGBTQ arena. He has accomplished little. Doubt my veracity? Dan Abrams’ Mediaite placed me #2 on their list of “Obama’s Fiercest Critics.” But I’m also aware that Obama has a few other things to do. And while I’ve said, “More Is More,” I’m happy to remind our president that we’re here, we’re queer, and we want to ensure our civil rights are being freed from centuries of oppression.

But I draw the line at calling Barack Obama Satan.

It seems, GOProud does not.

See for yourself. GOProud’s video, “Will Obama Come Out of the Closet?,” is an insult. It’s a pity they chose to follow the “Teaparty” mentality, because some of the facts stated in the video are valid. But GOProud loses all credibility by playing this evil, childish game.

In case you’re unfamiliar with 1973’s Oscar winning film, “The Exorcist,” the audio in this video is the theme song from the movie.

Shame on you, GOProud. You’re not helping the LGBTQ community. You’re feeding the ignorance that is the GOP.

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