Gay-Bashing Michelle Malkin Is Two For Two This Week, And It’s Only Tuesday

Wow. Michelle Malkin, who calls our upset over the passage of Prop 8 “insane rage“, must have decided this is her week to sling her special brand of hate onto the homosexual community. Monday, she wrote, “Another Mormon run over by the anti-Prop. 8 mob’s bus” about a Mormon waitress who quit her job after pressure from gays because she donated to help Prop 8 pass. Malkin:

Now, in the wake of resignations by LA Film Festival director Richard Raddon and California Musical Theater director Scott Eckern, Christoffersen has joined these other Mormon voters in quitting her job over her support of Prop. 8.

Gay groups are doing a happy dance.

Pat yourselves on the back, tolerance bullies.

I’m not even sure what a “tolerance bully” really is, but Michelle Malkin just loves to use the phrase “tolerance bully”.

And then today, Mrs. Malkin writes, “Anti-Prop. 8 activists will “call in gay”“. Since she rarely puts much thought into her posts (we used to call people like Malkin “grenade launchers” – someone who does a quick toss of an incendiary idea and then runs for cover) I thought I’d just post her comment here:

“First, the tolerance bullies work to get other people fired from their jobs for donating to the Prop. 8 traditional marriage ballot measure.

Then, the anti-Prop. 8 mobsters all decide to take off work themselves and “call in gay” to prove how indispensable they are to the economy.

“Day Without a Gay” commences tomorrow.

If this goes anything like those “Days Without an Illegal Alien” events went, we’ll survive.”

Somewhere in there I think she is calling gays lazy. Just so you know, Michelle, the other idea of “A Day Without A Gay” is that gays who “decide to take off work” would spend the day doing volunteer work, as was responsibly reported by the Associated Press. Maybe we could all get together and have “A Year Without A Michelle Malkin”? She could go on a retreat and read about something she has mentioned in 85 of her posts: The Bible. And then come back and preach love and respect and, yes, tolerance, instead of hate.

And, it seems I’m not the only one who thinks Michelle Malkin is gay-bashing. Adam Kinder today wrote about “Michelle Malkin’s Gay-bashing fanbase“.

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