Gallup: More Americans Are Democrats Than Republicans

A  just-released Gallup survey shows more Americans identify as Democrat or lean-Democrat than as Republican or lean-Republican, by a 44% Democrat to 41% Republican margin. The Democrats have enjoyed a larger party identification from Americans every month since January 2009, with the exception of last month, when Americans were evenly split.

Gallup warns Democrats to not get apathetic:

“However, the current narrow Democratic lead in party affiliation among national adults hardly makes Democrats’ status as the majority party in Congress safe. According to Gallup’s weekly generic congressional ballot updates, registered voters have generally been more likely to prefer the Republican candidate in their district than the Democratic candidate, even before factoring in turnout, which usually aids Republicans. That is partly the result of independent voters’ consistent preference for the Republicans this year.”

The Democrats have lost ground since January 2009. The categories that had the largest losses are men, 50-64 years old, live in the Mid-West, non-Hispanic white, did not graduate high school and/or college, lower-income, married, not religious.

Democrats’ number one job is giving voters reasons to go to the polls in November.

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