Fuck You Very Much

Lily Allen’s delightful romp, which is also the theme song for Edie Falco’s new ShowTime series, “Nurse Jackie”, serves as the audio for a video by steviebeebishop and friends, “THE BIG FAT GAY COLLAB!” From their YouTube description:

“theres a disgusting amount of hate on the internet (especially on youtube!) directed at minority groups (especially the LGBT community) so i was inspired to organize this collab video. i never set out to change the world. i did not make this for the gay haters to see. i wanted to make something light hearted and funny for the victims of gay hate, to teach them to brush off the hate and stand strong and confident as who they are. you’re not alone! stevie loves you 🙂

the song is “fuck you” by lily allen. contrary to popular belief (including my own, before i knew better) this song was not written about george bush. lily allen said:
“this song is not a direct attack at anyone, it was originally written about the BNP in the UK but then I felt this issue has become relevant pretty much everywhere, we are the youth, we can make coolness for our future, its up to us. Go green and hate hate.”

this video is our interpretation of the meaning behind the lyrics and i think that our video gives a slightly different meaning to the lyrics and directs more focus on gay discrimination. the third verse against war has been taken out for this video, as it is not the subject we’re dealing with.”

Click to watch video:

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