Freep This Poll From NOM Now!

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is polling its supporters and would like to know what people think! Time to tell the truth to this anti-gay organization!

A few of the eight questions:

Are you concerned that President Obama’s announcement of support for homosexual “marriage” could lead other politicians to do the same?

Are you concerned that if he wins another term, President Obama will outright repeal DOMA, leaving marriage in your state vulnerable to the pronouncements of judges in another state?

Do you support a federal Constitutional Amendment to protect traditional marriage?

It’s a quick poll — go for it!

Once you submit the poll it asks for a donation, FYI. You’re not obligated to fill it out for your resoults to “count.”

Of course, the entire scheme is a fundraising and email-harvesting tool, but you don’t have to provide either.

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