Franklin Graham: Gays Can’t Have Marriage Because ‘Plumbing’ Must Be ‘Completely Different’

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Franklin Graham today said that gay people cannot have marriage or make families because “plumbing” must be “completely different” for that to happen. In an interview with David Brody of televangelist Pat Robertson‘s Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Graham said same-sex marriage “takes the family away and there is no way you can have a family with two females or two males — if you just think biologically how God made us, our plumbing is completely different.”

Because “God is the one who gave marriage,” Graham posits, there “is no room for us to consider gay marriage or same-sex marriage.” Graham, the less famous, and less charismatic son of 94-year old Billy Graham, adds that marriage equality “is redefining what God gave us.”

Brody looks at Graham and nods approvingly.

Apparently, Brody did not question the younger Graham on why his father decided to endorse Mitt Romney, despite, for decades, having called Mormonism a “cult.”



Thanks to Right Wing Watch for the video

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