Fox News: ‘Obama’s 9-11 Proclamation Does Not Mention God’

A Fox News Radio article, in an attempt to both politicize and religicize 9/11,  is attacking President Obama because his 9/11 proclamation does not include the word “God.” Recognizing one of the most ungodly acts in America, President Obama’s proclamation asks Americans to “remember what remains the same: our character as a nation, our faith in one another, and our legacy as a country strengthened by service and selflessness,” and “invites” Americans to consider “volunteering with a faith-based organization, as a way of honoring those we lost.”

Today, as we remember the victims, their families, and the heroes who stood up during one of our country’s darkest moments, I invite all Americans to reclaim that abiding spirit of compassion by serving their communities in the days and weeks ahead. From volunteering with a faith-based organization, to collecting food and clothing for those in need, to preparing care packages for our men and women in uniform, there are many ways to bring service into our everyday lives — and each of us can do something.

“President Obama’s proclamation marking the September 11th terrorist attacks did not include any mention of God. The president also failed to note how Americans sought solace in their religion in the aftermath of the Al-Qaeda attacks,” one of Fox News‘ “top stories,” written by Todd Starnes, reads.

Starnes adds:

There was no specific mention of prayer but he did call for the nation to observe a moment of silence tomorrow morning.

The proclamation comes one week after Democrats meeting in Charlotte initially removed God from their party platform. The Almighty was subsequently reinstated after a questionable vote that led some delegates to boo the Lord.

Noting that Starnes is “serious about his pledge to mainstream and promote” the Family Research Council, Equality Matters earlier this year, in an article titled, “Meet Todd Starnes, Fox’s Mouthpiece For Anti-Gay Hate Groups,” wrote:

Fox News’ Todd Starnes has never shied away from aligning himself with some of the more extreme and fringe elements of right-wing politics. He’s flirted with “birtherism,” made inflammatory comments about Muslims and African-Americans, and accused the Obama administration of launching a war against Christianity.

Over the past few months, it appears that Starnes has taken up a new cause – using his position as a Fox News Radio reporter to give a voice to some of the country’s worst anti-gay hate groups


Last December, Starnes appeared on the American Family Association’s (AFA) “Today’s Issues” radio show to promote his Fox News website, ToddStarnes.com. He was joined by Tony Perkins, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-gay “hate group” Family Research Council (FRC). During the segment, Starnes claimed that his website would act as a hub of “culture war stories” that would depict hate groups like FRC and AFA in a positive light:

STARNES: This is sort of a place in the Fox family, the Fox News family, that folks can go and find those culture war stories that we cover…. These are stories that resonate with patriotic, God-fearing, God-loving Americans. And I think when people see the stories in one spot, they really understand what’s at stake and how thankful we are that there are organizations like the Family Research Council and American Family Radio that cover these issues. [emphasis added]

Perkins was thrilled, to say the least. He said he was “encouraged” by Starnes’ reporting, praising him for “giving voice” to social conservatives who believe that Christianity is under attack.

Some of Starnes’ recent Fox News Radio articles include:

Starnes’ bio on the Fox website reads:

Todd Starnes is the host of FOX News & Commentary — heard daily on the Fox News Radio network. Throughout his journalism career, Todd has covered a number of high profile stories — taking him from Wall Street to the White House.

He is also a frequent contributor to FOX Nation and FoxNews.com. He has made regular appearances on FOX & Friends and Hannity. His work is heard on hundreds of radio stations around the nation.

He’s the author of two books. “Dispatches From Bitter America” was released earlier this year. The book is a collection of essays detailing how President Obama has declared war on the values that made this country great.

The book is endorsed by Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Gretchen Carlson and Mark Levin.

“They Popped My Hood and Found Gravy on the Dipstick” was published in 2009 and became a best-seller. The book was a collection of humorous and inspirational stories from his open heart surgery in 2005.

In his spare time, Todd is active in his church, plays golf, follows SEC football, and eats barbecue.

Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch‘s  News Corporation. In May, British Members of Parliament said Murdoch, News Corp.’s Chairman, “‘is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company.”

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