Foreign Policy Expert Sarah Palin: Romney ‘Didn’t Have Time’ To Answer Obama’s ‘Untruths’

Sarah Palin was invited to speak with Sean Hannity as a foreign policy expert on Fox News last night to review the final presidential debate, which focused on foreign policy. Palin lamented Mitt Romney “just didn’t have time to answer” all of the “many untruths spewed by Obama.”

“He just didn’t have time to make all the points he needed to,” she added.

“There were so many untruths spewed by Obama tonight,” Palin claimed. “Unfortunately Romney just didn’t have time to answer them all,” Palin said, when, actually, it was Palin and Hannity who were spewing “untruths.”

Palin also claimed that President Obama was nervous, which “manifested his lies catching up with him, and thus the desperation really came across in this debate on behalf of Obama.”

Mediaite added:

Some of the “untruths” Palin cited to host Sean Hannity were the president’s suggestion that “we are more energy secure today than we’ve ever been,” his “claim” that “we have better relationships with all of those on an international stage, including Israel, than ever,” and her belief that he claimed “sequestration was Congress’s fault and that it won’t happen.”

Hannity agreed with her and slammed the president’s attitude as “arrogant.”

“One thing I wish Romney could have hammered home was to me was a lack of credibility as Commander-in-Chief having respect for our military troops,” she said, “when he would claim that he has troops fighting and be willing to die on quote, his behalf, unquote and yet he is willing to throw them under the bus and withhold their paychecks to get his way with congress to increase the nation’s debt.”

Earlier this month, Palin said Sarah Palin said the VP debate reminded her of “a musk ox running across the tundra, and in this case, when it came to style, it was Paul Ryan under foot.”

Sarah Palin is the former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former Governor of Alaska, former chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, former Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, former “Miss Congeniality,” former sportscaster, and former head of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Palin wrote the foreward to Our Sarah: Made in Alaska, a book “written by Sarah’s dad and brother with contributions from many friends and colleagues–these are the people who know her–and love her–best.”


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