For The Record — A Note On Today’s Violence

For the record, today’s shooting at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council, was wrong, evil, misguided, and cowardly. Worse, it harms all Americans, not only the security guard shot in the arm who heroically helped stop his attacker, but all Americans who believe that no matter our differences, we together share our humanity.

Violence is not the answer to the challenges we face in this country, nor is it the answer to the troubles faced around the world.

Today we applaud the heroism of Leo Johnson, the security guard who bravely, while shot in the arm, helped stop today’s gunman.

Countless times, here at The New Civil Rights Movement, and in other public and private venues, I have denounced guns and violence. Sadly, like many, far too many Americans, my life has been touched by gun violence. I am a strong advocate for gun control and peaceful efforts to solve differences.

Unfortunately, today, our opponents, those on the right who peddle hate, those theocratic purveyors of anti-gay zealotry, are using today’s shooting to further their anti-gay agenda of hateful inequality.

Make no mistake. Today’s action, regardless of who the shooter is, regardless of his motives, is the work of someone who does not stand for or represent the vast, vast majority of LGBT community, progressives, Democrats, or liberals. Any attempt to isolate anonymous comments, tweets, or highlight postings of those who hold no responsibility within the LGBT or progressive community, is both an act of cowardice, and just poor journalism — if that at all.

Attempting to use today’s shooting to further an anti-gay agenda is not only wrong, but will immediately be seen for what it is, and immediately denounced by those far more powerful than I.

Lastly, today’s violence in no way absolves the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, or any other anti-gay organization of the years — if not decades — of their anti-gay animus and hate, which has contributed to an environment in which our LGBTQ children and teens have attempted and/or completed suicide.

And it in no way changes the equation.

Here at The New Civil Rights Movement, we will continue to highlight and expose the anti-gay rhetoric and actions of those who contribute to an environment of hate, inequality, and injustice.

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