For $10 At CPAC You Can Own This Tee Shirt Of A US Soldier Peeing On A Dead Arab

CPAC, the conservative political action conference, like every conference, has people trying to make money and advance their agenda by selling books, buttons, and other paraphernalia, like tee shirts. I’m willing to bet that CPAC is the only conference where anyone would allow this tee shirt to be sold.

READ: What’s CPAC? Everything You Wanted To Know But Were (Rightly) Afraid To Ask

David Corn, one of my favorite journalists, at one of my favorite publications, Mother Jones, is at CPAC today and took the above photo (please forgive me for posting it, David,) along with many others — go to his article, “The Best Swag at CPAC,” in which he writes,

Forget everything you’ve heard about shrinking government, icing the welfare state, and giving poor children the maintenance tools to pull themselves by their bootstraps—at the Conservative Political Action Conference, everyone’s just looking for a handout.

That, at least, was my conclusion after talking to the good folks at Procinctu, a firm that “works to arm you with the knowledge and tools necessary to attain self-sustainment, empowerment, and security.” That entails a number of things—warning you against the evils of Monsanto, promoting the purchase of gold and silver, encouraging exercise. And purchasing, for $10, this t-shirt.

If that’s tough to read, let me spell it out for you: It’s a t-shirt celebrating corpse desecration (a response to this). No one’s buying, though; mostly people just come by, snap a photo, and keep on walking when they find out it’s not free.

Yes, CPAC has a tee shirt has immortalized peeing on a dead Arab. Perhaps Dana Loesch will buy one.

And for the record, if this is your definition of “winning,” you have some serious issues.

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