Focus On The Family Wants To Know Your Thoughts On Social And Political Issues!

It must be Christmas!

A Twitter friend and blogger over at Queer Unity shared with me this survey created by one of the most radically-right wing homophobic, anti-gay hate groups, “Focus On The Family.”

Technically, “Focus On The Family” and “Focus On The Family Action” are two separate groups. Yeah, right. Focus On The Family founder James Dobson writes,

“Focus on the Family Action is a new cultural action organization that is completely separate from Focus on the Family, legally…Focus on the Family Action will give me and my team much greater freedom to take our views to the public square, where the great debate over culture, rights, freedom and values is taking place, and allow me to ask people to take specific actions such as calling senators and congressmen to pass important, family-friendly legislation. I can be more effective in fighting for the Marriage Protection Amendment and against judicial tyranny.”

Seems they want to know how they can “reach your generation.” The are asking questions like, “What are the social and political issues you care about?” and “What inspires you to get involved in a political cause?”

I say we share our thoughts with them!

“Rising Voice” is Focus On The Family Action’s youth-oriented arm. In their “About Us” section, they write,

“Technically, Focus on the Family Action is a cultural action organization that provides a platform for informing, inspiring and rallying those who care deeply about the family to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that face our nation.”

“But that’s a mouthful. What we really want to say is that we care about society, culture… and making a difference in our world. We’ve not always communicated that in a way you can hear, so we’re asking for your help.”

Wow. Me too!

Please, do them and us a favor. Head on over and answer a few questions. Let them know that the LGBTQ community is a good community of good people who just want to be treated as equals and afforded the same rights and responsibilities as the rest of America.

Let them know that love is love, and knows no gender.

Let them know that their hateful ways will be their ruin, and that the youth of today fully support same-sex marriage, the right of gays and lesbians and trans folk to serve their country, and deserve protection from discrimination in issues like housing, jobs, and immigration.

Click here. Let them know what you think!

Then, email, tweet, Facebook, IM, whatever, the link to all your friends. Let’s help Focus On The Family focus on helping our families, too!

Here’s the link:


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