Fischer: “Jesus Used More Incendiary Language Than I Do.” Proof He’s Lying!

Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, was called out by Mitt Romney at this past weekend’s Values Voters Summit for his use of “poisonous language.” Fischer has routinely called gays “Nazis,” claimed that Hitler’s Brownshirts — and Hitler himself — were all gay “thugs” and good at what they did because they were gay, claimed that gays cannot be monogamous or maintain relationships, said gays are a threat to national security and to public health, said the “homosexual agenda” is incompatible with religion, called for putting gays in jail, called “the gay lifestyle” a “death style,” called gays “bigots” who commit hate crimes, and said the repeal of DADT will lead to a draft. That’s not everything, just going back to June. Yes, Fischer has said all that over the course of about four months.

In this video, Fischer says, “I have absolutely no idea,” what Mitt Romney was talking about. The good folks at Right Wing Watch (who deserve a medal for their capturing and cataloguing of the radical religious right) put together this compilation of Fischer’s “greatest (or, most evil) hits,” which includes a few more “gems” than we mentioned above.

There is a reason the AFA is labeled a hate group. Is there a reason Fischer is allowed to spew hate? In other countries, say, the U.K., Fischer would be in jail. Ironic, isn’t it.

For even more frightening anti-gay hate speech that comes out of the mouth of Bryan Fischer, check out our archives.

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