Fischer: GOP Must ‘Clamp Down’ On Hispanics Who Are ‘Socialists By Nature’

Bryan Fischer says the GOP shouldn’t be trying to help Hispanics in America and shouldn’t pretend they will become Republicans, rather, the GOP must “clamp down” on Hispanics because they “are socialists by nature.” Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, claims “Republicans can pander all they want to Hispanics, to immigrants and it will not work. There is no way on Earth you care going to get them to leave the Democratic Party. It’s one reason we got to clamp down on immigration.”

Immediately after Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama, Republican strategists — exemplified by Sean Hannity  and Maggie Gallagher — had an “evolution” of their own and decided that they should be performing better “outreach” to the Hispanic and Latino communities, to prevent the Republican party from dying. Gallagher at 3:00 AM — just 90 minutes after President Obama addressed a crowd of tens of thousands of people in Chicago — wrote at the National Review:

Either we figure out how to win a much larger share of the Latino vote or the conservative movement could be over. The “truce” — Rove’s Crossroads strategy — is a clear failure. I think social issues are part, but only part, of a serious effort to appeal to Latino voters. We also need to show them we care about them by doing something about the DREAM Act, and religious conservatives should take the lead on this.

As if Hispanics will fall for this malarkey.

Not so fast says Fischer, who would rather see a dead GOP than one made impure by Hispanics, gays, or other minorities.

“Hispanics are not Democrats, don’t vote Democrat because of immigration,” Fischer told his audience today.

“It has to do with the fact that they are socialists by nature. They come from Mexico, which is a socialist country. They want big government intervention, they want big government goodies.”

“Now they want open borders — make no mistake — because they’ve got family and friends that they want to come up and be able to benefit from the plunder of the wealth of the United States, just as they have been able to do.”

Hat tip: Right Wing Watch, via David Edwards at The Raw Story 

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