Fischer: Gays Are Not Born Gay, They Yield To Impulses We All Have

Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, Thursday on his radio program said that gays are not born gay. Fischer actually discusses the exact reasons why it’s wrong to discriminate against people for their sexual orientation, and then rejects that line of thinking and states he doesn’t care — he’s only concerned with behavior, he says, which people should work very, very hard to suppress. Apparently, Fischer says, he has a great deal of experience suppressing urges. And apparently, Fischer does not trust himself, and therefore, projects this inability to control himself by assuming it’s natural, and that everyone, faced with a sexual opportunity, will succumb to it.

WATCH: Fischer: Gays Are Threat To National Security And Public Health

“The homosexual lobby, the homosexual agenda is all about trying to convince us that people are born this way, there’s nothing they can do about it, it’s, it’s, it’s biological, it’s like being born black there’s not single solitary thing that you can do about it, that’s what you are it’s immutable, nothing can be done about it and they want to convince us, and they want to convince society, that that’s true because what that means if you make any decisions you, you make any policies that are predicated on sexual behavior that disfavor them then they’re going to accuse you of discrimination,” Fischer says. And he’s right.

“That’s no different than discriminating against people based on the color of their skin, you were discriminating against me over something that’s immutable something I can’t do anything about something that’s the equivalent of race and it’s shameful for you to do that.”


But here’s where Fischer loses it and succumbs to right wing stupidity.

“Now first of all our concern is behavior. Our concern is choice, it’s conduct this behavior it’s not primarily orientation it’s not primarily the impulse people experience because we all everyone of us every single one of us experience sexual impulses that if we yield to those impulses they would lead us to do things that are contrary to what we know to be right. Everyone of us. Look at Tiger Woods and the trouble he got into because he yielded to every sexual impulse that came down the pike. Part of maturity is recognizing that there are certain impulses that we need to resistance instead of catering to them instead of catering to them instead of turning ourselves over to them we resist them — we don’t yield to those temptations because of the damage it will do the us the damage they will do the others the damage they will do to the people that we love and care about, so we resist those urges and those temptations and those impulses.”

Here’s a very long video including these statements by Fischer, among many others.

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