Fischer: ‘Adam Wasn’t An Eyewitness To His Creation’ So Only God Knows How Old The Earth Is

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer says that since “Adam wasn’t even an eyewitness to his creation,” only God can know how old the earth is — but fortunately he left us an account, aka, the Bible.

Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, yesterday on his radio program spoke with Terry Mortenson from Answers In Genesis “when the two insisted that scientists can never determine the age of the earth because they weren’t there,” as Right Wing Watch reports, adding Fischer said, “…the only way we can know the age of the earth is if we have eyewitness testimony of somebody who was there, and that’s what we have in the Bible,” Mortenson said.

It’s ironic that GQ, essentially a men’s fashion magazine, has sparked a national discussion on the age of the earth and the importance and validity of science.

The radical religious right wing is so obtuse, they forget that even the Vatican supports much of evolutionary theory.

Amusingly, even the YouTube commenters recognize the ludicrousness of Fischer’s position:

“Eyewitness Testimony is the weakest form of “Evidence” in a court of law.”

“Eyewirness testimony means almost nothing in science…. this guys is astonishingly dumb”

“I don’t think they (the people in the video) are that stupid. I do think they know that their audience is that stupid, so they deliver a message their viewers want to hear. Kind of like how Fox News operates.”

The religious right’s war on science is an embarrassment to American exceptionalism, and will make America a “third world” country in a decade if it continues.

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