Fischer: 96% Of Gays Are Drug Users, Have Up To 1000 Sex Partners

Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, on his radio program said, that 96% of gays are drug users, gays have hundreds, sometimes over 1000 sex partners, and again claimed that drug use, not HIV, causes AIDS.

“God’s design is one sexual partner for life,” Fischer stated. “Now, in the homosexual community, the average homosexual has hundreds of sexual partners over the course of a lifetime. Hundreds. Some of them have between 500 and 1000 and there are any number of homosexuals, and they admit this in their own literature, have more then a 1000 sexual partners.”

READ: AFA: HIV To AIDS Link A “Scam” And People With AIDS “Reap What They Sow”

Fischer does not cite his source for these statistics, but we can easily believe they come from discredited sources that have been floating around for decades. Fischer may not be lying per se, but he’s dead wrong, and he has to know it. If he thought he were right, he’d cite his sources. He doesn’t, and we all know why.

“Now they’re talking about numerous sexual encounters on the same night,” Fischer continues. “Now, in order to do that, they’ve got to take drugs to enhance the experience and to make it possible to have numerous encounters on the same night. These drugs are called “poppers,” is the street name for them. They’re amyl nitrites, alkyl nitrites … they inhale these things and they dilate the blood vessels, increase blood flow and all that kind of thing – they’re real tough on the heart, in fact, you’ll find homosexuals frequently dying at early ages of heart attacks. Why? Because they’ve just overstimulated their heart with these nitrites because of the kind of sexual behavior that they engage in.”

“And we know, [Peter] Duesberg say, look we know, we can demonstrate in the lab the way these nitrites, the way these inhalants break down the immune system. And the research indicates that 96% of the people who engage actively in homosexuality, homosexual behavior, use these nitrites. The inhalants are very common.

“So he suggests that this is the cause of AIDS: it’s the rampant promiscuity, coupled with this drug use. That’s what causes the human immune system to break down.”

When it comes to the “500 – 1000” sex partners bunk, Fischer is most-likely referring to the 1978 book, now out of print, “Homosexualities: A study of Diversity Among Men and Women,” by Alan P. Bell and Martin S. Weinberg. The study has been both discredited because it was based on interviews of gay men in San Francisco bars in the 1970s, and, well, because it’s 34 years old. Not that we believe those numbers, but let’s be frank: straight people don’t behave the same way they did four decades ago, and neither do gays.

It’s time for the American Family Association and Bryan Fischer’s boss, Dr. Buster Wilson, General Manager of the American Family Radio Networks, to start quoting their sources, and , frankly, to start telling the truth. If they can’t quote sources, how can anyone take them seriously?


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Many thanks to Kyle Mantyla of Right Wing Watch for the transcript and for the video, and for all the great work the folks at RWW and People for the American Way do.

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