Family Research Council: “What Comes To Mind When You Think Of Us?” TELL THEM!

I’m not kidding. Via a tweet by Pam Spaulding and Evan Hurst, I found the Family Research Council’s latest web survey which, once you get to the end, looks like they’re going to expand the areas they’re infecting, like womens’ rights and abortion. Now, they want YOUR thoughts to questions like, “Off the top of your head, what comes to mind when you think of the Family Research Council?

You may remember some of the pieces I’ve written on the Family Research Council:

They’ve called to “Outlaw Gay Behavior”

They’ve protested “Amtrak’s Gay Ad Campaign

George Alan Rekers, the “ex-gay” Family Research Council Co-Founder, who happens to be a Baptist Minister, took to Europe a gay male prostitute he met on the Internet site Rentboy.com.”

They’ve said, “Homosexuality Is “Abnormal,” Drives Gay Teens To Suicide

Tell them what you think. I did. Here are a few shots of my answers. Feel free to use ’em or come up with your own!

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