Evangelical Hypocrites: Casting My Own Stone

Over the last couple months I wrote a series here entitled, “Name That Evangelical Hypocrite.” It highlighted seven evangelical pastors, radio personalities, or key members of the religious sect, like:

Ted Haggard | An Update

Lonnie Frisbee

Paul Crouch

Billy James Hargis

George Alan Rekers

John Paulk


Lonnie Latham

I received a couple of questions via e-mail and Facebook asking why I wrote the series and what motivated me. My answer to those concerned is very simple. In fact, it comes from the very book that the evangelists use to preach their hate for my choice in lifestyle… The Bible.

He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.

That verse is from John chapter 8 verse 7 (John 8:7)

The posts I wrote were to inform, not to degrade or to out anyone. Every piece of information in my series was common knowledge or easily available on the internet and via newspapers. I believe we shouldn’t forget this information.

When you spend and dedicate your life to destroying the perception of others lives and then you yourself participate in that, to me that is the definition of hypocrisy.

My weekly series was not to humiliate anyone. I thought about whether I should cast a stone, but I then realized that the first stone had been cast. It was cast by each of the people highlighted in this series. They have preached hate, and practiced bigotry by promoting their lies. By condemning 10% of the American population. Let alone the millions of others around the world. They fail to understand what being gay truly is. They fail to try and understand what we are already going through. Where is the compassion that the Bible teaches? Where is the love? Where is the community and lack of judgment? All things promoted by the Bible. All things that are preached about, yet forgotten when concerning a ‘culture of sin.’

This series was not to point fingers, like ‘christians’ do to gays. It was not to place blame, like ‘christians’ do to gays. It was not to say that anyone is better than anyone else, like ‘christians’ do to gays. It was to keep people accountable for their actions when their words are different.

I put Christian in quotes above because the way the people who I describe act is not in anyway Christian. It is not the way the Bible talks about following God. It is hate, and it is wrong.

When injustice rears its head, I will be there to fight against it. I will be there to remember and remind those who care what needs to be remembered.

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