Elisabeth Hasselbeck Voices Support For Trans, Gender Non-Conforming Kids

On an episode of “The View” last week, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who often surprises us, did so again, voicing her support of gay, lesbian, bisexual, but especially transgender and gender-nonconforming children, in a most eloquent manner, as Mark Daniel Snyder wrote on The Huffington Post today.

“We think about protecting our children in terms of safety and health, but we also should protect them emotionally and psychologically, and I think if you know your child is in a way suffering or feeling trapped, being forced by society to wear a certain clothing type based on gender, then as a parent, and having not going through this myself, I would imagine that you would want to make the best decision for your child to keep them safe there, too — not just externally, in terms of safety et cetera, but also just in their hearts and minds, so they feel confident in who they really do think they are,” said Hasselbeck.

Hasselbeck has also voiced, repeatedly, strong support for same-sex marriage, and last year, in a rebuke to the religious and radical right, went so far as to state, the “only thing killing heterosexual marriage is heterosexual marriage.”

Mark Daniel Snyder offers a wonderful personal story, noting that he “was incredibly fortunate to have parents and familial caregivers who sought to protect both my physical safety and my emotional health by allowing me to be my authentic self. I am without a doubt alive, and a more confident adult today, because of the people I had in my life as a child.”

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