Election Night Open Thread

Thought I’d keep a space open here for all your thoughts tonight, and mine.

First up: We have a gay U.S. Senator. From Guam!

Rand Paul wins? Ugh. Maddow: “He’ll vote NO on, ‘I like pie day.'”

Lexington, KY now has an openly-gay mayor. Wow. (That’s Kentucky.)

Yes, no surprise, we’re stuck with Jim DeMint.

If the Democrats lose the House, Tim Kaine needs to lose his job. Heck, Kaine needs to lose his job anyway. Bring back Governor Dean!

Kaine just claimed we’re keeping both Houses. He didn’t believe it.

Maddow: “If you’re not going to take your country back from Dan Coates, who are you going to take it back from? Really, Tea Party? Pick the Corp. Lobbyist, ex-Senator?”

CBS gives Delaware to Chris Coons, not O’Donnell.

Marcy Kaptur (D) beats Rich Iott (R) – yes, the Nazi uniform guy – in OH.

Meanwhile, fatal shooting at a polling station in New Hampshire

Amazingly, looks like Rubio is going to win tonight in FL. How is that possible?

NH Governor John  Lynch, who signed a marriage equality bill into law, and was up against a cash-filled NOM, has won. Of course. Take that, Maggie!

Major Bigot VIrginia Foxx actually keeps her R seat in NC. Disgusting.

CT: Dick Blumenthal wins Sen for CT over wrestling Queen McMahon. Whew.

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