Eddie Murphy Quits As Oscars Host – Not Because He Supports Gay People

Comedian Eddie Murphy has quit as host of the upcoming Oscars awards show, the 84th annual Academy Awards, apparently to support his friend and “Tower Heist” director, Brett Ratner, who resigned as producer after uttering an anti-gay slur. But Murphy, whose own orientation has been questioned, and who has made disparaging comments about gays and people with HIV as part of his standup routine, didn’t state he was quitting because he supports gays, is against gays, is against anti-gay comments, or, well, any reason at all, other than saying he understand both parties positions.

“First and foremost I want to say that I completely understand and support each party’s decision with regard to a change of producers for this year’s Academy Awards ceremony. I was truly looking forward to being a part of the show that our production team and writers were just starting to develop, but I’m sure that the new production team and host will do an equally great job.”

The New York Times noted:

In an industry where relationships can fracture quickly, Mr. Ratner’s connection to the show at least lasted longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage (by 24 days), But if the Academy is squinting for a silver lining, it might also look to another bright spot. With Mr. Ratner and Mr. Murphy moving on, the academy and its governors get another shot, sooner rather than later, at rebooting an annual ritual that still draws around 40 million viewers in the United States (and many more abroad), and remains one of television’s biggest events, despite a widespread sense that it is losing its connection with an audience that wants to love it.

Ratner had said that said that “rehearsing is for fags” in a talkback session following a screening of “Tower Heist” in L.A.

New York Magazine Monday had reported:

Last week, Brett Ratner told the world that yes, he did “bang” Olivia Munn, but it was “before she was Asian” (an admission he made not while under questioning by Howard Stern but as a guest on a basic cable talk show).

Ratner has since apologized but many felt his words were insufficient. GLAAD got involved and ultimately Ratner resigner for the good of the show. Now if only Herman Cain could learn that lesson…

Murphy has disparaged gays and said in this 1983 standup routine from “Delirious,” (video, below) he is “afraid of gay people,” and that “faggots aren’t allowed to look at my ass while I’m onstage.”

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