Dr. Drew: Famous Anti-Gay Politicians Caught In Gay Affairs (Video)

Dr. Drew profiles several anti-gay politicians who were caught in same-sex affairs, one-night stands, and long-term relationships. Ted Haggard, Phil Hinkle, Jim McGreevey, are all discussed in this segment, with Editor in Chief of The Advocate, Matthew Breen, clinical psychologist Michelle Goland, PhD., and infidelity analyst Sarah Symonds.

Breen says these anti-gay politicians are “victims of, and perpetuators of, societal homophobia.” Breen at the end clarifies and says, “I wasn’t excusing anyone’s closetedness.”

“I think a lot of these politicians are both victims of and perpetuators of societal homophobia. I think there are — we set conditions in our society generally where it`s not OK to be gay in a lot of communities. It`s not OK to be gay in religious orthodox communities, it`s not OK to be gay in other conservative environments.

“So there`s an overreaction oftentimes. A lot of politicians, people who are interested in power, I think seek becoming part of the big club. Like, I`m straight just like you. I can take part in elected politics just like you. It`s an overreaction to oppression in a lot of cases, in my opinion.”

Breen adds,

“I am sympathetic for people who have difficulty coming out of the closet. I think it`s, in many cases, a blessing if you know when you`re 16 or 18 that you`re gay, and you come out, and you can lead your life authentically from that point on.

“I have enormous sympathy for people who get caught in a cycle of repression. But it`s an instance where the effects of homophobia have impact far beyond the person who is gay or lesbian. They involve a spouse who didn`t know that their partner was gay. They involve kids whose parents may be divorced because of this.”

Golland says, “when we look at the Republicans who are so anti-gay rights and homophobic, and spreading that and making laws around that, and then they are caught in these – scandals, this is what we call reaction formation, meaning I have these — what I believe as shameful impulses of being attracted to the same sex. And therefore, to quell that, I have to hate that part of me and I have to hate anything associated with it.”

Infidelity analyst Sarah Symonds says “most homophobes are actually gay,” and adds of men who cheat on their wives with another man, “it’s gross!”

Dina Matos, the now-former wife of New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey, calls it “destructive behavior.”



(Hat tip to George T. Nicola)

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