Dominionist Christian Nationalism Message Takes Facebook By Storm

It seems there a new domionist Christian nationalism message that is taking Facebook by storm. God Discussion reports on this new wave of anti-secular, anti-Constitutionalism:

There’s a new “cute” story floating around Facebook that promotes Christian nationalism.  The faithful are posting it on their walls to promote the idea that the people of the United States are united through Jesus Christ:

A little girl wanted to know what the United States looked like. Her Dad tore a map of the USA from a magazine and then cut it into small pieces. He told her to go to her room to see if she could put it together. After some minutes she returned and handed the map correctly fitted and taped together. The Dad was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly. She said, “On the other side was a picture of Jesus and when I put him back then our country just came together!

Oh, yes, Jesus is the answer to America’s problems…


If you want to know the kind of people who are sharing it, the image above is the avatar of one person who shared it on Facebook.

Here’s another one.

Heck, here’s a Google search full of the domionist nationalism message.

It’s also being shared here, here, and here,
I did a little digging and found this video:

Say it’s not a problem, and it’s not, but it’s an indication of where a dangerous segment of America is right now.

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