DOMA: Watch Republicans Attack Repeal Efforts

At today’s Senate  DOMA debate, Republicans wasted no time in attacking the Democrats’ repeal efforts, citing ludicrous arguments about procreation and religion. Equally offensive, Republicans are attempting to advance the argument that the country just cannot afford to offer benefits to same-sex couples. Same-sex couples have been subsidizing the lives of heterosexual couples for centuries!

We pay into the system yet are allow to reap far fewer benefits. It is tyranny taxation plain and simple.

Senator Grassley put forth the offensive concept that only heterosexual couples can form stable and loving families able to raise children, stating, “the Fourteenth Amendment would probably never have been ratified if the public understood it to provide for same-sex marriage.”

No doubt the founders never anticipated AK 47s, but I’m pretty sure Grassley wouldn’t stand for the Second Amendment to be abolished, right?


Chuck Grassley

Jeff Sessions

John Cornyn

Many thanks to Think Progress’ Igor Volsky for these videos.

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