DOMA: Watch House “Defending Marriage” Hearing’s Lies And Ignorance

DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, was the subject of a hearing today convened for the explicit purpose of denigrating same-sex relationships, marriage equality, the LGBT community, the ability of same-sex-headed households to properly raise children, the Department of Justice, President Obama, and to portray the institution of, marriage as under attack from the Left.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), a “birther” and climate change denier who said he would “absolutely…support” the impeachment of President Obama over the DOJ’s refusal to defend DOMA in court, was somewhat successful in rounding up two professional anti-gay activists, National Organization for Marriage Chair  Maggie Gallagher, ultra-conservative blogger and traditional-marriage advocate Ed Whelan, who happily pretended “Leave It To Beaver” was the number one television show and women are supposed to be barefoot and pregnant.

Fortunately, on our side the Left had Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, and witness Carlos Ball. Ball, a Rutgers School of Law Professor, is the author of Closet to the Courtroom: Five LGBT Lawsuits That Have Changed Our Nation, and a marriage equality advocate.

Thanks for this “best of/worst of” mashup go to the good folks at Think Progress, and their new blogger, Zack Ford, who writes, “Gallagher repeatedly stated that children do better with a mother and a father, despite ample evidence that children of same-sex parents fair just as well, if not better.”

To watch the complete video, visit the House’s website here.

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