DOMA: Family Research Council Mounts Church War On Obama, Repeal Efforts

The Family Research Council (FRC), a certified hate group, is mounting a church and bible-based war on President Obama, the administration’s decision to not defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court, and on efforts to repeal DOMA that are now taking place in both houses of Congress, as well as working with House leadership to intervene and defend DOMA in court challenges.

Read: “The GOP’s Sanctimonious Defense Of The Sanctity Of DOMA

Demanding four “action steps,” — Pray, Practice, Participate, and Proclaim — the FRC has provided a two-page “DOMA Alert,” titled, “Stand For Marriage: Our Future Depends On It.” The alert quotes seven passages of the Bible, including Genesis 2:24, Genesis 1:27, Matthew 19:4-6, and others.

The Family Research Council directs its followers print the alert out and distribute it in churches, and to call the Capitol Switchboard to tell their representatives, “Please support traditional marriage as the union of a man and a woman by passing a resolution reaffirming the Defense of Marriage Act and defending it in courts.” They add that “Marriage is God’s plan,” and, “Marriage law is being abandoned by our president.”

The Washington Times last night reported, “The House leadership likely will introduce a resolution early next week to intervene in the four lawsuits pending against the Defense of Marriage Act, better known as DOMA, the 1996 federal law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman, conservative leaders say.

“I know there have been discussions. I’ve been part of the discussions,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. “The question is how to handle this hot potato. The president is trying to throw a monkey wrench into what’s been a very unified majority.”

Yesterday, Perkins wrote  on the FRC’s website, “Despite how his press office spins it, the President has done through actions what he refuses to do in words: endorsed same-sex “marriage.” Even yesterday, after blowing off the law that bans it, the White House still had the audacity to say that the President is “grappling” with his views on gay marriage. If Barack Obama is “grappling” with gay marriage, then gay marriage is winning. In fact, it may have him pinned!”

Read: “Tony Perkins: Being Compared To The Klan? That’s Manna From Heaven!

Joe.My.God. first reported on this story and provides the document below, adding that the alert, “includes a reminder that homosexuals and male prostitutes will never be allowed into heaven. Female hookers apparently get right in.”


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