Does Tony Perkins Now Think Gay Parents Don’t Buy Food For Their Kids?

Does Tony Perkins think gay parents don’t buy food for their kids, and all heterosexual parents support only “traditional” marriage? Those are the assumptions evident in Perkins’ latest anti-gay marriage screed, in which he slams Minnesota-based General Mills for opposing that state’s upcoming anti-gay constitutional ballot measure that would prohibit same-sex marriage via their constitution.

Perkins also lies, claiming that including same-sex couples in the institution of marriage precludes opposite-sex couples from marriage itself. Apparently, Perkins, like all the anti-gay marriage Minnesota organizations, including Minnesota For Marriage, is feeling heat since they look like they will lose at the ballot this November.

READ: General Mills’ Employees Serve Refreshments to Anti-Marriage Equality Protesters

“Like Starbucks, [General Mills] tried to argue that marriage is bad for business–a theory that’s absolutely ridiculous,” Perkins says via a daily radio bulletin from the Family Research Council President. What Starbucks did was say embracing diversity is a part of their corporate culture, and they support the right of same-sex couples to marry. But facts are irrelevant to Tony Perkins.

Perkins then cites unknown, unnamed “experts” who supposedly claim opposing a ban on same-sex marriage is a “very risky” proposition, “especially since General Mills makes billions of dollars marketing brands to parents of kids–like Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Yoplait, Cheerios, Chex, Wheaties, and Lucky Charms.”

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So, according to Perkins, gay people either don’t have children, or don’t buy food — at least General Mills food — for their kids. Also, according to Perkins, all heterosexual parents oppose same-sex marriage and support a ban on same-sex marriage in their constitution.

And that’s “a theory that’s absolutely ridiculous.”

Here’s the full transcript of Perkins’ absolutely ridiculous radio bulletin, thanks to Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch. You can visit them for the audio as well.

In the marriage debate, General Mills just became a general nuisance. Hello, I’m Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. One of America’s largest food companies has an appetite for liberal politics. Five months before voters head to the polls, General Mills decided to weigh in on Minnesota’s marriage amendment. Like Starbucks, the company tried to argue that marriage is bad for business–a theory that’s absolutely ridiculous. Forbes magazine did a feature on the “best states for business”–and 18 of the top 20 protect natural marriage. Still, a spokesman says, “We don’t believe the proposed constitutional amendment is in the best interests of our employees or our state economy… We oppose it.” Experts say it’s a “very risky” position–especially since General Mills makes billions of dollars marketing brands to parents of kids–like Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Yoplait, Cheerios, Chex, Wheaties, and Lucky Charms. It may impress their corporate friends, but it’s customers that count.

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