Does Christine O’Donnell Think Gay Marriage Is “Creepy” Sex?

Christine O’Donnell, who made news yesterday by walking off the set of CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” now claims that she exited the interview because Morgan kept asking her “creepy” questions about sex. Morgan spent two minutes trying to get O’Donnell to answer a simple question about her position on marriage equality — not about sex — when she walked off the set.

READ: Tea Party Denounces Christine O’Donnell After She Walks Off Piers Morgan

O’Donnell was scheduled to discuss her new book, “Troublemaker: Let’s Do What It Takes to Make America Great Again,” but spent over two minutes discussing why she would not discuss same-​sex marriage, or, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, even though both are covered in her book, according to Morgan. At no time during the interview did she say that she was opposed to his line of questions because they were “creepy,” or about sex, but today told Fox News, “He had a decidedly inappropriate line of questions leading up to that, that many people — bloggers, are saying was just border-line creepy.” O’Donnell added, “I was not there to talk about sex — and he would not stop trying to talk about sex.”

READ: Christine O’Donnell PROVES She Has No Clue What’s In The Constitution

Morgan, as you can see in this video, asked her about same-sex marriage, not about sex. But clearly, in her mind, O’Donnell must have heard “gay marriage” and immediately equated it with sex.

“I want to set the record straight, it wasn’t the question on gay marriage,” O’Donnell claims in this Fox interview today.

Oh, of course not. O’Donnell gets asked a question, a perfectly valid one, on marriage,” and asks “is there legislation on this?” Yes, Christine, there is legislation on marriage equality, not only in the U.S. House and Senate — legislation to repeal DOMA — but there is constantly legislation cropping up to ban same-sex marriage in state legislatures around the country. That O’Donnell, a senate candidate just one year ago, is unaware of this is beyond frightening.

“O’Donnell also hung up during a radio interview with a station in Salt Lake City, Amanda Terkel reports,” according to TPMDC.



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