Disgusting. Gov. Chris Christie Hits On MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski – Watch.

This is truly disgusting. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a Roman Catholic, a married man with four children, and he has the gall to flirt with, sexually harass, and hit on Mika Brzezinski in the opening of a 21 minute segment, during which he will be asked why he killed same-sex marriage for loving couples.

This is just a small example of Christie’s hypocrisy. It’s perfectly acceptable in his mind to sexually harass a woman, a highly-successful and accomplished journalist, married with two children, (and, not that it matters, but someone whose father was the United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter,) all the while being on national television.

(Of course, regardless of whom the target of harassment is, it would never be acceptable.)

In the first few minutes of Christie’s appearance on today’s “Morning Joe,”  Mika asks Christie, “Can I call you Chris?” Christie responds, “You can call me whatever you went.”

Look at his facial expression — it says far more than just his words. And it’s disgusting.

And then he addresses the men at the table, “Blame me? … You blame me for that line?”

Brzezinski is forced to say, “My daughter is here. She’s taking pictures so try to look good. Sit up straight.” Or, in other words, “knock it off.”

The GOP. Hypocrisy, hate, bigotry, and sexual harassment.

Welcome to the 19th century.


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Note: For those who might comment about the Governor’s weight, this has nothing to do with it.

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