Did Focus On The Family’s Pro-Bullying Site Play Role In Gay Youth Suicides?

Last month I wrote, “Bullying Is So Gay,” about Focus on the Family’s pro-bullying website, which claims school anti-bullying programs that advocate tolerance are part of the “gay agenda.” Focus on the Family is teaching parents, through its “True Tolerance” website, to target school administrators and demand they drop anti-bullying education and stop teaching tolerance.

Here’s an excerpt from “Bullying Is So Gay,”

Take this little tidbit from FOF’s “True Tolerance” agenda of hate:

“Our nation’s K-12 public schools are coming under increasing amounts of political pressure from national homosexual-advocacy groups. This pressure often comes in the form of demands to create a “safe environment” for gay and lesbian students. Schools are told that if they do not ban “homophobic” and “anti- LGBT” (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) messages—as well as include positive statements about homosexuality in their policies, curriculum, books and during special events like the Day of Silence—they will face legal liability.”

The obvious question is this: Does FOF want more children to be bullied for possibly being different? Does FOF want more children who are merely perceived as gay, or lesbian, or just a little less “stereotypical,” to be beaten, or killed in school, or to come home and commit suicide?

It is no coincidence that promotion for the “True Tolerance” website came at the launch of the “back-to-school” season. Sadly, it is no coincidence either that the start of the “back-to-school” season was the start of bullying and harassment that has led to the suicides of at least four LGBTQ youths in just three weeks.

Focus on the Family may like to play fast and loose with words. Focus on the Family may like to twist the truth when it comes to the civil rights and protections of America’s children. But the question remains. Is Focus on the Family playing with the lives of LGBTQ youth?

What do you think?


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