Dick Cheney Tells Maryland GOP: Vote For Same-Sex Marriage Equality

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has reportedly been lobbying behind the scenes for a Maryland same-sex marriage equality bill that is being debated this afternoon. Cheney, who still has pull within the GOP, has a lesbian daughter. He and his wife have spoken publicly in recent years about their daughter and her family on TV talk shows.

In 2005, Cheney paid $2.67 million for a home in Maryland.

Veteran blogger and political activist John Aravosis notes today a story about Maryland Republican Delegate Wade Kach:

Buried in Annie Linskey’s Baltimore Sun story today about GOP Maryland Delegate Wade Kach coming out in support of marriage equality is this little tidbit:

[Kach] also became the target of a last-minute lobby effort, and said his voice mail was full of messages from important people, including Mehlman, Bloomberg and an offer to talk with former Vice President Dick Cheney, whom Kach regards as a “great man.” All three are recognized for their support of gay rights issues.

Dick Cheney is personally lobbying on behalf of gay marriage? Really?

That’s freaking huge.

Indeed it is.

Aravosis rightly adds, “this poses a bit of a dilemma for Democrats  If this story is true, then Dick Cheney will be doing more than the Democratic party to help on marriage equality.  That’s not a terribly helpful message for Democrats walking into an important election.”

Indeed it is not.

Igor Volsky adds:

The Baltimore Sun noted that Kach’s endorsement is “stunning” since the lawmaker voted against the bill as recently as Monday night, in a committee vote, and had co-sponsored a different measure that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. Former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman, who has came out as gay in 2010, has also been making the case for marriage as Maryland prepares to vote on the measure.

Editor’s note: We’ll be following the Maryland debate closely today, and have news throughout the day. Stay tuned and visit us at The New Civil Rights Movement for up-to-the-minute news.

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