Delaware House Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill 23-18

The Delaware House of Representatives just passed a same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 23-18. The bill must still be voted upon by the Delaware Senate, and the governor of Delaware, Jack Markell, has agreed to sign the bill into law.

The debate was similar to that of every other state cross the nation that’s debated marriage equality. False accusations that same-sex marriage will lead polygamy, will harm children, false claims that the “redefinition of marriage” changes what has been the same throughout history for centuries, and false ideas that marriage equality will harm small businesses that do not wish to serve same-sex couples.

The religious aspect was introduced over and over again.

The debate was actually closed by a pastor, freshman Rep. Tim Dukes, who literally preached against same-sex marriage and demanded civil unions are all same-sex couples should be allowed.

Today, France passed same-sex marriage into law, the Nevada Senate passed same-sex marriage, and a Rhode Island committee passed same-sex marriage.

Image via Twitter by Equality Delaware

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