Defund NPR? White House Comes Out Swinging Against GOP House’s Bill

Today, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), issued a strongly-worded statement against the Republican-controlled House’s passage of a bill that attempts to in essence defund NPR, National Public Radio. Jacob Lew is the current head of the OMB, having replaced the well-known Peter Orszag last year, and having been confirmed by the Senate unanimously.

The statement, (actual document below,) reads in part, “The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 1076, which would unacceptably prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio (NPR) and the use of Federal funds by public radio stations to acquire radio content.”

Recently, NPR was the subject of a “sting” operation by discredited conservative activist James O’Keefe and his “Project Veritas” organization, now infamous for its repeated false-editing of hidden-camera tapings.

Read: “James O’Keefe Breitbarts NPR Exec, NPR Exec Tells Truth, NPR Freaks

But those tapes have since been discredited also, just like the ones O’Keefe and his mentor, Andrew Breitbart, have been feeding the main-stream media. Even Glenn Beck’s blog proved the level of dishonest “journalism” plied with the O’Keefe video.

Republicans have taken this opportunity to defund NPR, when in reality, only a reported 2% of NPR’s budget comes from the federal government. This defunding hurts rural and small-town listeners the most.

Even Republicans were mixed on the bill.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), said NPR “should be moving to a model where they could sustain themselves,” but Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) said that he’s “heard some inaccurate things on National Public Radio before” but that if funding is cut, as he supports that it be, “I personally will increase my contribution” to his local stations, according to a report by Politico.

White House Statement on Bill To Defund NPR


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