Dear Maggie, Just A Note…

Dear Maggie,

Just a note to say thanks. Thanks for all your hard work. Thanks for all you do to unite people who believe in people. People who are caring, believe in love, believe in freedom, believe in the importance not only of self, but of others, and, most importantly, people who believe in the importance of “us”. All of us. People who know that love comes in many colors, genders, sizes, ages, races. People who know it doesn’t matter which of these you were born into, which of these you are on the outside, just that you have something on the inside: love for others. Others who are the same as you, or different from you. But love for others.

So, thanks, Maggie, for uniting all those people you said you had figured out how to reach in New Hampshire. You did a great job uniting them, getting them to convince their elected representatives to vote for love. Love for others. Love for same. Love for different. But love.

Don’t worry, you didn’t lose. The people of New Hampshire, all the people of New Hampshire, won today. That’s something everyone should be proud of. I know I am.

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