DADT: Dan Savage Talks Repeal And Bachmann With Lawrence (Video)

Dan Savage talked Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell with Lawrence O’Donnell, and also discussed Michele Bachmann’s gay marriage stance, Monday night on MSNBC.

Savage said the the LGBT community demanded action from the Obama administration, which “read the writing on the wall after 2010 and delivered.”

“Michele Bachmann has been ducking the question about gay marriage in every mainstream appearance. What we’re going to see on the Republican right is what we saw with race on the Republican right — it shifted from overt racism, overt statements of prejudice and bigotry to dog whistles for the racists out there,” Savage said.

Savage also reminded us the conservatives in the U.K. are moving to legalize full civil marriage rights. “Bachmann is embarrassing on this issue, and so many others.”


Many thanks to Dave Evans of SuchIsLifeVideos for the clip!

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