CWA: Gays Die Younger, Often Get Syphillis, End Relationships Quickly

Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, a self-anointed think tank for Concerned Women for America (CWA), apparently has no idea how to verify statistics, and in this video delivers an self-embarrassing assessment of America’s LGBT community. Perhaps someone can help Dr. Crouse find a little thing called Google?

Crouse in this video claims that gays die 20 years younger than average, commit suicide at three times the average rate, are prone to syphilis and anal cancer, and cannot maintain long term relationships — usually terminating them after just a year and a half.

Crouse of course doesn’t bother to cite her sources, so we are left to assume they are discredited or that her statistics came from Pluto.

Right Wing Watch writes,

“Crouse’s presentation was chock-full of statistics that she pulled from who-knows where but they featured heavily in her case that the institution of marriage was threaten by gay relationships…”

Last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the recognized authority on hate groups, wrote:

Today, CWA continues to make arguments against homosexuality on the basis of dubious claims. President Wendy Wright said this August that gay activists were using same-sex marriage “to indoctrinate children in schools to reject their parents’ values and to harass, sue and punish people who disagree.” Last year, CWA accused the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group that works to stop anti-gay bullying in schools, of using that mission as a cover to promote homosexuality in schools, adding that “teaching students from a young age that the homosexual lifestyle is perfectly natural … will [cause them to] develop into adults who are desensitized to the harmful, immoral reality of sexual deviance.”

While the SPLC didn’t label CWA a hate group, they’re on the really-close list.

Seriously, how do people like CWA stay in business? And, wouldn’t America be better off without their claptrap?

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