Cuomo Throws Punch At New York’s Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay Marriage, Anti-Mosque, Pro-Racism, Pro-Bestiality, GOP Candidate

Last week we introduced you to “New York’s New Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay Marriage, Anti-Mosque, Pro-Racism, Pro-Bestiality, GOP Candidate,” Carl Paladino. He is running as the Republican Tea Party’s candidate for governor of New York, against long-time public servant Andrew Cuomo.

Paladino had some extra time on his hands this weekend. Evidently he wasn’t forwarding bestiality, porn, or racist emails so he shot off a salvo to Andrew Cuomo.

The New York Times reports:

Asserting that Mr. Cuomo had refused to heed his calls for a face-to-face exchange, Mr. Paladino wrote: “Come out and debate like a man.”

“It’s difficult to understand why you, a polished veteran campaigner, scion of a political dynasty and king-designate, would fear a simple businessman from Buffalo, who candidly has never been in a debate in his life — except maybe in a bar,” Mr. Paladino wrote.

“Andrew, for the first time in your life be a man,” Mr. Paladino wrote. “Don’t hide behind daddy’s coattails even though he pulled strings to advance your career every step of your way.”

Oh! Big man, Carl!

Now, Cuomo is fighting back — with facts, not school-boy bullying rhetoric.

Watch what Andrew Cuomo has to say to Carl Paladino.

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