Conservatives Cry ‘Christians Are All Now Dred Scot’ And ‘Collapse Of Civilization’ Over Marriage

The list of comparisons Christian conservatives have made up to respond to the Supreme Court’s decisions last week supporting the rights of same-sex couples to marry is long, including “the collapse of Western civilization in one day,” and “Christians are all now Dred Scot.” And yes, Dred Scott — image, top, right) should have two “t”s.

Because clearly, Christians are all slaves who have wrongly been deprived their freedom by the Supreme Court.

WATCH: Rachel Maddow Battles Top Right Wing Conservatives On DOMA Ruling — And Wins.

James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, and later, the anti-gay hate group, Family Research Council (FRC), claimed that that marriages of same-sex couples “threaten the entire superstructure” of society.

“I believe it can come down,” Dobson said. “This has been devastating. Even if eventually legally we somehow walk it back a bit, I don’t see our ever completely recovering from what has happened here.”

No word on how conservatives plan to “legally somehow walk it back a bit.”

Tony Perkins of the FRC promised he has only begun to fight. “This is far from over,” he cried, claiming the Supreme Court “carjacked the nation” with their marriage rulings.

Bill Becker, an attorney who does work for the anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund (ADF, formerly the Alliance Defending Freedom) and the Discovery Institute said of the Court’s rulings on marriage, including the Prop 8 and DOMA cases, “We’re talking here about the foundation of civilization and I wrote today that I believe we’ve seen the collapse of Western civilization in one day.”

Meanwhile, Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, took to Twitter and unleashed a rant including these ludicrous claims:



And this interesting, possibly anarchy-supporting tweet:

To grasp the full mettle of Fischer’s “logic,” just read his post-SCOTUS marriage decision column that claims the liberal Supreme Court justices “are a batch of homophobic bigots who harbor malice in their hearts toward homosexuals.”

Other ridiculous comments to come out of radical religious conservatives included the claim that “the U.S. Supreme Court has become the most prominent hate group in the country,” by “accusing backers of traditional marriage of being motivated only by animus against homosexuals,” by Robert Knight, a senior fellow for the American Civil Rights Union (not the ACLU.)

“The American Civil Liberties Union,” Knight adds, “ran a full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal the next day, proclaiming jihad against the 36 states that aren’t in the ‘freedom to marry party.’ As for the freedom of millions who disagree? Ah, well. The jihad won’t stop with the same-sex counterfeit. If sexual complementarity is no longer a valid requirement, why should marriage be limited to two people?”

Of course, conservative politicians had to get in on the act.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) — who has promised to introduce a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage — said last week that “every time” the Supreme Court “comes out with a decision, it’s just like a brand new constitutional convention — they’re making it up as they go along.” Huelskamp says the justices “rewrite this Constitution every chance they get,” calling the DOMA decision an attack on Jesus Christ.

Apparently, the gays got to Kennedy.

Good old Pat Robertson last week asked, “about Anthony Kennedy, does he have some clerks who happen to be gays?”

Of course, Robertson also compared the Supreme Court’s ruling to Sodom and Gomorrah — it’s practically an occupational requirement.

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