Conservative Mocks Gun Control Opponents With ‘Rules’ To Discuss Gun Violence

A well-known conservative pundit who was drummed out of many inner circles for trying to reform the GOP, this morning took to Twitter to mock his fellow conservatives for their opposition to gun control, after this morning’s tragic D.C. Navy Yard mass shooting.

David Frum, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, has written extensively on the need for gun control and gun reform. This morning he offered a few mock rules for the discussion of gun violence during events like today’s tragedy. Reports state six people have died today, twelve were shot, and the gunman is dead also. There are still reports of up to two other possible gunmen.

On the day on the Sandy Hook shooting, Frum published at the Daily Beast, “Every Day is the Day to Talk About Gun Control.”

Here are his mock rules he tweeted today:


[View the story “David Frum Mocks Gun Control Opponents After DC Navy Yard Shooting” on Storify]

America’s least-mature conservative pundit was not amused at all.

“Grow the hell up, people. You too David Frum,” decried Erick Erickson, the Red State founder and former CNN contributor who recently left for the mothership, Fox News.

“Life is more than politics,” the political hack continued. “And if you don’t understand that, you are one seriously maladjusted person,” Erickson, speaking directly from 38 years of experience sobbed.

“Lecturing me that I can’t tell you what to saying [sic] means you really don’t get it. I don’t care what you say. You have a right to say it. But if you don’t have the judgment and good sense to understand that now is not the time to say it, you have no capacity to understand why.”

If not now, when? If not us, who?

Erick Erickson is the last person to lecture anyone on what is appropriate.

Hat tip: Think Progress

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