Conservative Group Uses Lady Gaga To Threaten Post-DADT Repeal DRAFT

Citizens United. It’s not just a badly-decided right-wing activist U.S. Supreme Court decision. It’s actually a conservative political activist group, and they’ve come out (haha!) with a new, post-“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal ad that uses Lady Gaga and her “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” rally to suggest that the U.S. will reinstitute the draft.


David N. Bossie, President and Chairman of Citizens United (whose tagline is, “Dedicated to restoring our government to citizen control.” Huh?) posted this video on the group’s blog. In his own blog post, “The inevitability of the draft,” over at the bow-tied bozo‘s blog, The Daily Caller, Bossie writes today,

“After losing 63 seats and their majority in the House, and six seats in the U.S. Senate, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid still can’t get their priorities straight. The passage of the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy could turn out to be a day of infamy for our military.”

“Pushing this legislation during a global war on terror is a dereliction of duty. If forty percent of our Marines do in fact leave the service early, we will have to fill those boots somehow.”

“I guess we know now that Reid is beholden to Lady Gaga and not those young Marines on the front lines protecting our freedom.”


Oh, and not a very well-done video.

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